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Friday, October 11, 2013

Memories of a Recovering National FFA Convention Addict - Part I

Memories of a Recovering National FFA Convention Addict - Part I

Anyone that has known me for any length of time will know that the FFA was one of the most important events in my life. And yes I said events, because I consider it to be just that - an event! The organization and the activities that I participated in because of it: livestock shows, speech contests, camps and livestock judging to recall a few taught me so much about life...hope...devotion...rejection...loss and how to overcome in the face of it all.
In the early years that I was a member of the organization I heard members talk about forming these life long friendships and for me, building friendships was hard. I'm like a fine wine...I'm an acquired taste. Some people like me, some people don't like me and more often than not, most people don't know what to do with me either way!
What I learned though later in life and later in my time spent with the organization what it meant to form those life long friendships. I formed mine after high school and well into my college 2003 when I attended my sixth National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky as a Newsroom Intern! I had previously attended four National FFA Conventions in high school and one my freshman year of college as an Oklahoma Delegate.
From 2003-2007 I faithfully and gleefully attended National FFA Conventions in Louisville and Indianapolis. It was during this time that I developed those lifelong friendships that I had heard people talk about for year prior...Kristy, Julie, Andrea, Amy, Noelle, Walter, Jason, Julie, Ginny and many more!
"CoCo looking rough."
"We are on the corner of ghetto and get your ass shot!"
"I ain't made of money."
These were just a few of the many sayings...memories that came from my many years of convention! As the date for this years convention grows closer, I thought it would be fun to relive one of my favorite years - 2007! As this was the year that I got to work as a blogger for convention! Let's go on a journey and look back...
MY VIEWS: Welcome to Indianapolis FFA Members
FFA members, welcome to the 80th National FFA Convention! I can promise you it will be an incredible week. The organization has progressed tremendously over the years, and this year we begin a whole new chapter: the wonderful world of blogging!
My name is Josh Hawkins and I hail from Stillwater, Okla., home of the great OSU Cowboys. I am 23 years old and a former Midway FFA member in Council Hill, Okla. I began my FFA career as a Greenhand my freshman year of high school and remained active until graduation. I am a PROUD Oklahoma State FFA Degree recipient. This years marks my 10th convention...
SIDENOTE: Ironically my last, but who knew what the future was to hold way back in October 2007!
And my fifth as a member of the newsroom crew. If you didn't catch my drift, I truly love the organization for all that it has to offer! I am currently a junior at Oklahoma State University working towards my degree in creative writing with a minor in business.
In high school, I was never the star athlete on the basketball team or the quarterback who threw the winning touchdown, but I was an FFA member proud and true! This organization opened so many doors for me that otherwise would have remained closed and locked forever. It has given me the opportunity learn, lead and succeed through my career in the organization and outside of it. As a result, I have met lifelong friends and I am proud to say that they are here with me today in the FFA newsroom in Conseco Fieldhouse, on the Indiana Convention Center floor, throughout Indianapolis and back home in Oklahoma. To have this opportunity, literally, at my fingertips to communicate my journey through convention is amazing!
A lot of times people will ask FFA member "What is your favorite FFA memory or activity?" So I'll tell you mine. My favorite FFA memory is being able to say that I have attended at least one convention in each of the three host cities: Kansas City, Mo, (1998), Louisville, Ky. (1999-2005) and now Indianapolis. FFA members, as we celebrate 80 glorious and exciting conventions, In invite you to tell me about yourselves. Where are you from? What's your favorite FFA activity? if you're reading this at convention, what are you looking forward to most? If you see me roaming around the career show or in Conseco Fieldhouse, stop and say hi, we'll take a picture and you may even end up here on my blog!
Remember to wear those jackets with pride throughout Indianapolis because blue jackets do lead to bright futures! FFA members, enjoy your convention and check back often, because it's raining in Indy and you don't want to miss my thoughts on that!
Originally Posted: 10/27/2007 @ 1:49PM


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