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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NaBloPoMo Month - "Love is Love in Hawaii"

NaBloPoMo Month - "Love is Love in Hawaii"
Entry #13 - 11/13/2013

Today, Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii signed a bill that will allow same-sex couples to marry as soon as December 2nd in the aloha state.

"Finally, today now all those who have been invisible will be visible to themselves and the whole world," the governor said of this milestone for the LGBT community! The Hawaii senate passed the bill Tuesday afternoon with a 19-4 vote before sending it to Governor Abercrombie...and just FYI how wonderful is that name. I wonder if the Governor wears Abercrombie...leading me to are who you wear...which caused me to think if I had to have a last name of the clothes I wear most often...hells bell Clairee...I would be Joshua Casual Male Old Navy! Such a long name don't you think!

It seems as more and more states begin to either pass such marriage equality bills or work to pass them that the Senators and Governors and Representatives are speaking more eloquently of the topic and it not only encourages but it inspires...Senator Clayton Hee, began to tear up shared his remarks, "I could never have imagined that I would play a role in such a profound yet, in my mind, a really simple thing to do - bring justice and equality to all of us."

More and more politicians need to see marriage equality as Senator Hee does...we live in a world that has forever changed since 1913...since 1953...since 1973...since 2003...shouldn't it be time for those who represent the people look at things through a different set of eyes and come to realize that the world isn't as black and white as they like to think that it is. It's time to change and it's time to embrace change. I'm one of the biggest opponents of things changing (just ask any of my former IGT co-workers...hey ya'll) but it's imperative to establish the open lines of communication to ensure that we are on the cusp of being able to change. On November 20nd, the Illinois Governor (not Peter Florrick of The Good Wife - the real Illinois Governor) will sign his own marriage equality act in his it not time for everyone else to embrace and do the same?

On the topic of gay stuff, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act is legislation proposed in the United States Congress that would prohibit discrimination in hiring on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity by employers with at least 15 employees...Senator Coburn did not vote...Senator Inhofe voted nay...both Senators from Oklahoma! It is times like these, I'm ashamed to be an Oklahoman...ashamed! For the record Senator Heller and Senator Reid both of my former Nevada...Yay!

Until Next Time...Ciao Bella...


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