Okay boys & girls - time for quick lesson in American Government...The First Amendment to the United States Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
That said - Mike Huckabee, 12th Lieutenant Governor of the State of Arkansas, 44th Governor of the aforementioned state and Fox News Channel talk show host has every right given to him by the Constitution to say whatever he so desires and well he has. Alex Altman at Time Magazine is calling a Silly Sermon - I'm calling it, "Just the Hell Up Mike Huckabee."
In addition to his "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" for the company proclaiming "Guilty as Charge - We Hate Fags" (I'm paraphrasing) - he has now been quoted as saying, in regards to the Aurora, Colorado Mass Shooting last Friday,
“We don’t have a crime problem, or a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem,” Huckabee said on his Fox News show. “And since we’ve ordered God out of our schools and communities, the military and public conversations, you know, we really shouldn’t act so surprised when all hell breaks loose.”
Really? Seriously? We don't have a crime problem or a gun problem or a violence problem in this country! That is a laughable, disgraceful statement. With 12 innocent lives lost, countless injured and as of late Monday 15 still in critical care - it has been reported that the accused James Holmes is believed to have purchased four weapons and more than 6,000 rounds of ammunication in the last several months - I do not believe any amount of prayer in any venue across this country could have stopped this crazed son-of-a-bitch. I am curious, of Mr. Huckabee's three children, who we will assume grew in a home where prayer was a normal occurrence, been involved in this tragic event - would he still be calling it nothing more than a sin?
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Mike Huckabee |
Perhaps if prayer is the answer to crime problems in this country, to the gun problems in this country and to the violence that we see everyday in this country - perhaps what we do have is a sin problem, but why are the schools to blame? Because they have taken God out of the conversation in a public school? Where do parents come into play? Is it not the job of parents to teach their their children about not only right and wrong, but how to pray, how to talk to God or to identify with their children what their religion is. Why must this fall onto a teacher - it goes against the very principles that this country was founded upon. While we may not discuss God in the schools, I find Mr. Huckabee's comments that God has been ordered out of communities to quite absurb! If that were the case, if God has been ordered out of the communities, then why are people such as Dan Cathy President of the aforementioned Chick-Fil-A allowed to go in public and state - "Guilty as charged," when asked by the Baptist Press about his company's support of the traditional family unit as opposed to same-sex marriage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe Chick-Fil-A is a business located in a community, which by its very definition is a unified body of individuals.
The Bible says, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them" Matthew 18:20.
We have a sin problem. We're human. We place other "Idols" before God - hell we have a show called American Idol and treat Kim Karadashain as if she were a Goddess herself (she's not) and people work on Sunday - it happens, we're in recession. People are killed and that is a sin, but the answer is not prayer. Because to believe requires faith and I believe every person that entered into that movie theater believed they were safe, they believed they would leave just as they had come - alive.
We have a gun problem. We have crime problem. We have a violence problem. And we have these problems not because God has been removed from schools, but because there is evil in the world! Everyone is entitled and should worship as they so chose, but we should never minimize the facts - James Holmes was able to purchase 6,000 rounds of ammunition, I do not believe that is a sin - I believe that to be a gun problem, a crime problem, a violence problem.
In closing, we should be surprised, we should be horrified when events happen as they did last week. We should not think of that tragic, devastating event as "all hell breaking lose" we should think of as the depths of hell opening wide and for a public figure such as Mike Huckabee to make a mockery of the pain those Colorado families are going through is a disgrace. But the constitution allows for Mr. Huckabee, myself and anyone else that is so inclined to open their mouths and speak...
Until Next Time Ya'll...
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